The magical story of friendship, unicorns, and the power of believing is now available as a book and toy set!
In this clever twist on the age-old belief that there's no such thing as unicorns, Uni the unicorn is told there's no such thing as little girls! No matter what the grown-up unicorns say, Uni believes that little girls are real. Somewhere there must be a smart, strong, wonderful, magical little girl waiting to be best friends. In fact, far away (but not too far), a real little girl believes there is a unicorn waiting for her. This refreshing and sweet story of friendship reminds believers and nonbelievers alike that sometimes wishes really can come true.
Author: Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: October 13, 2020
Product Bundle: 40 pages
Dimensions: 23.5 x 6.99 x 21.92 cm