Pop! Animation: Naruto - Eight Gates Guy
Naruto: Shippuden - Might Guy (Eight Inner Gates) Pop! Vinyl Figure
“You’re right, all efforts are pointless…if you don’t believe in yourself.”
An unrivalled master of taijutsu, Might Guy’s unbreakable will and overwhelming optimism in the face of adversity saw him become one of Konoha’s most respected Jonin.
At the culmination of the Fourth Shinobi War this unshakable ninja used his most advanced technique, the unlocking of the Eighth Gate, to devastating effect. Depicted by Funko with waves of emanating chakra in the form of billowing flames at his feet, his entire body has been tinged red as the steam of blood released by his powerful ability saps his life force.
A perfect compliment to any Naruto collection, add it to yours today!